
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa applications that prioritizes minimal interference with the XCode project structure.

Carthage was first released in 2014. This package manager fetches source code directly from GitHub or other sources, like Swift Package Manager.

The Cartfile is the core of Carthage, listing the dependencies and versions of the libraries you want to include in your project. Carthage then fetches the dependencies, compiles them, and creates a framework that you can include in your project.

By default, Carthage builds dynamic frameworks, which are loaded at runtime rather than embedded in the app bundle like static frameworks. You can learn more about the differences here.

While CocoaPods automates the entire process by creating an Xcode workspace, and SwiftPM integrates deeply into the Swift ecosystem, Carthage’s non-intrusive model ensures that it does not manipulate your project’s natural setting. This makes it an ideal choice for projects where preserving the existing structure and settings is crucial. Carthage has been deliberately designed to offer fewer features than CocoaPods and SwiftPM, focusing on simplicity and minimalism.

For more detailed information, visit the Carthage GitHub Repository.

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